Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day 4

Current diaper: Attends
Diaper Status: WET
Currnet Time: 9:45PM

Late post today... just got home.

I slept in this morning... stayed in bed till about 8:30. Pretty late considering I normally get up at 4. Once I was up I had some breakfast and just lazied around the house still in my Secure night diaper till about 11. I then showered and changed into an Attends so I could head over and meet my buddy. I didn't know how long I would be over there so I took my diaper bag and 3 clean diapers with me.

We did a good bit of work... installed motor mounts, lighting, and finished up with some painting. It was plenty hot out and I was all over, under, and inside the cars. But I was decently comfortable. We had plenty of water to drink so I had wet 3 times by 5:00 when I realized that I needed a change. So I grabbed my diaper bag out of the trunk, told my buddy I'd be back in a minute, and slipped into the guest bathroom to change.

You don't realise how long it takes to perform a diaper change until you've done it somewhere besides the comfort of your own home. I first washed my hands, then took off my shoes, pants, and the briefs I was using as a diaper cover (to minimize noise). As I was untaping the diaper I realised how loud the sound of the tapes coming off was, and hoped that noone was standing right outside the door. I rolled up the used diaper then pulled out two wipes from my bag and proceeded to clean myself. Being all hot and sweaty a cool wipe felt pretty good. Once that was completed I laid out my clean diaper on the toilet lid and sprinkled some powder into it. Again I noticed the sounds of the tapes as I put the diaper on and adjusted them for the perfect fit.

Now wearing a fresh diaper I put the rest of my clothes back on, placed the dirty diaper and wipes into a ziploc bag and put that along with my powder and wipes container back into my diaper bag. I then washed my hands again, and stepped back outside. The whole thing took maybe 5 mins... I'll have to remember to time it when I do it again. My friend didn't say anything when I walked back out and put my diaper bag back in the trunk. He was either too busy to notice, or was polite enough not to poke into my personal business. Whatever the case, it works for me.Once the cars were done we had some dinner and watched TV for a bit, then I headed home.

A productive day overall that has me currently thinking not to worry so much about others noticing that I am diapered. I try to put myself in their place. Do I really go up and ask "Hey dude, are you wearing a diaper?" or "What's in that bag?"No... it's very rude and awkward. What kind of answer do you really expect? If questioned about the bag I plan to just say that it contains personal items, and leave it at that. Most people would probably be embarassed enough about getting that answer that they won't pry further. Odds are if someone straight up asks if I am wearing a diaper they either wear them too, or know someone else who does. At that point admitting to it and simply saying that I don't feel comfortable talking about it should suffice to settle the situation. Getting into areas like that is much like asking someone in a wheelchair how they got that way, it's not proper manners.

My plans for tomorrow involve cleaning up some around the apartment here and finishing the paintwork I started today. I might even hop down to the cheap-o theater with my girlfriend and catch a movie later on. I'll post more tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going pretty good for you. I finally made it over here from DD (Repaid1). While I am a incontinent and wear 24/7, I am able to control #2 (mostly). I have had a few occations were it has happened in public. I am awaiting the ineveitable to see if you have to do a bowel movement while out and about. I am a die hard Molicare wearer I haven't found anything better that fits me as well, good luck to you. It's just a normal day for me I use two Moli's a day, one at night the other thru the day. You might want to use depend boosters in those Attends "Just in case" they will double the amount you can go without the full bulk of a secure plus. Still waiting to find out what your girlfriend thinks, she gotta find out if she doesn't know already. Check with ya later.

Anonymous said...

Well, most people will assume you DO have personal items in there. I mean some people may be sensitive to certain brans of toilet paper, so they'd bring their own (moisturized) paper. Others may need special soap, while yet more people (women :-D) will carry half their bathroom around. After all, you were sweating a lot, so you may have brought something in that bag to freshen up. That would be in line with having spent 5 minutes in the bathroom rather than the 50 seconds the average guy needs to take a leak.